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Mental health hashtags on Twitter

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Twitter is an important places for mental health – especially through the creation of mental health hashtags.

Twitter seems to be becoming one of the most important places online for conversations, stories and connections about mental health – especially through the creation of mental health hashtags. Hashtags help organise Twitter discussions and make it easier to view contributions.

Here, in alphabetical order, we have picked just a few of the most significant mental health hashtags and what makes them special. If you think we've overlooked one that should be here, tell us in the comments below the piece.


A chance for people who have received a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder to chat in an understanding atmosphere. Credited to @BPDFFS.

Example Tweet: 


A way to feel really connected to other Twitter users while doing something that many people find therapeutic – simultaneously colouring a picture. Credited to @BipolarBlogger

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When people feel let down by their crisis team – a chance to share that with others who can relate to the experience. Credited to @debecca

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A hashtag against a stigmatising cliché of news media, that ended up creating an entire photo library! Credited to @Sectioned_


Many of us are hiding how we really feel from our friends – here people share what, and why. Credited to @depressednotsad

Example Tweet:


The hashtag that forced Asda to withdraw a stigmatising Halloween costume (though now not used much by mental health campaigners). Creation of the wonderful @DuckBeaki who, very sadly, is no longer with us. Here's her original tweet, that kicked the whole thing off.

#OCDachievements & #AskAshOCD

Hard to pick between these two, so we didn't! Here people with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder share little victories that mean a lot, or discuss other aspects of living with OCD. (Sadly, many people use the term OCD glibly and disrespectfully, so hashtags can be often be a bit of a minefield.) Credited to @OCDTrudy and @AshleyCurryOCD (whose #AskAshOCD is on Tuesday evenings at 8pm).

Example Tweet:


It's not okay to make someone feel bad for needing to take meds – and yet it happens all the time, say the users of this hashtag. Credited to @Sectioned_

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Like #BDPchat, a group of people with the same diagnosis, postnatal depression, get together and share their experiences and thoughts on Wednesdays at 8pm (GMT). Credited to @PNDandMe

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People with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder sharing stories and experiences, raising awareness and fighting stigma. Credited to @UKSchizophrenic 

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The sad, bad and shameful things that many experience while going through the system, which put you off opening up. Credited to @BipolarBlogger

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Blogs and stories can show that people with mental health problems are cared about, understood and listened to. We can use it to challenge the status quo and change attitudes.

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