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Our strategy

We're fighting for mental health. For support. For respect. For you. Find out how.

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Over the last few years we've come a long way. But there's still more to be done. The focus of our strategy is on supporting the people disproportionately affected by mental health issues. People from racialised communities, young people, and people living in poverty.

Find out more about our strategy and what it means for our work on this page.

Our 4 pillars

Our pillars describe what Mind does and how we will work to achieve our ambitions.

We connect minds

We bring together people and organisations who want to join the fight for mental health.

  • We’ll create more inclusive spaces – locally and nationally – that make it easier for adults and young people with mental health problems to lead our work.
  • We’ll work with partners to share learning and generate new ideas to help address the most complex issues and tackle injustices in the mental health system.
  • We’ll continue to support the peer support movement and offer somewhere safe to give and receive peer support 24/7.

We support minds

We will meet the mental health crisis caused by the pandemic head on, by supporting people through face-to-face and online services.

  • We’ll give life-changing mental health support – drawing on personal experiences and the best available evidence.
  • We’ll offer an information service that helps people with mental health problems to get support, assert their rights and feel hopeful.
  • We’ll work with employers, schools and in community settings to create thriving places to work and learn for all – especially those with mental health problems.

We change minds

We fight for better services and rights for people with mental health problems, and push to improve public attitudes to mental health.

  • We’ll speak out when things aren’t right and demand mental health support that respects our rights, keeps us safe and gives us hope – regardless of our background.
  • We’ll lock in improvements in public attitudes towards mental health – with a focus on the least understood experiences.
  • We’ll campaign for a robust financial safety net that prevents us getting trapped in poverty when we are unwell.
  • We’ll share our platform with people who are too often ignored, so they can be a powerful force for change – with Mind as a partner.

Together, we are Mind

We work together to become a more inclusive and effective federation.

  • We’ll work with our fantastic supporters to grow our income and encourage more people from diverse backgrounds to take part in our work.
  • We’ll work shoulder-to-shoulder with local Minds to increase the impact of their life-changing services and local influence.
  • We’ll build a diverse workforce with an inclusive organisational culture – so we can be a great place to work for all.

Our 3 strategic development priorities

These are the areas where we know we need to do more, to respond to urgent needs.

Becoming an anti-racist organisation

We will be an unflinching advocate for racial justice and mental health.

Our support will be engaging and effective for people from racialised communities. We will invest in building an inclusive organisational culture with diverse leaders.

Read more about our anti-racism work

Supporting young people

Close Up Of Teen Girl Looking Down At Camera In Street

Our ambition is to become an influential advocate for young people's rights.

We will fight to ensure that all young people learn about mental health and can easily access trauma-informed mental health support.

We will create more opportunities for young people to lead our work.

Read more about our work with young people

Fighting for people in poverty

We want to stop people with mental health problems getting trapped in poverty. We will campaign for a robust welfare safety net. We will become a leading provider of mental health financial inclusion advice and support.

And we will build strong partnerships to tackle the complex relationship between mental health and poverty.

Read more about our work with people in poverty

This year, we’ve invested over £4m in new programmes to support these important areas of work.

These include:

  • Building long-term partnerships with by and for grassroots and community-led organisations to improve the mental health of people from racialised communities
  • Working with the Anna Freud Centre to create an early support service in schools
  • Strengthening existing, and building new, local, and national partnerships to ensure better referrals between local Citizens Advice, Trussell Trust and local Minds
  • Supporting our local Minds to invest in services linked to these three areas of work

On reflection

Mental health is not hidden any more; it’s on the front pages; it’s on the political agenda; it’s spoken about by royalty. For millions of people, mental health is now something to be honest about – not ashamed of.

The Mind community has been at the heart of this transformation. Together, we’ve shown what mental health really looks like, what support makes it better, and what needs to change.

Read the full strategy

Download the PDF to read more about our strategy.

Read our strategy

Our environment strategy

Mind recognises that climate change represents the greatest threat to global health in the 21st century. It is therefore vitally important that charities make a clear, positive statement that change is needed, and back this up with meaningful actions. Research conducted in 2023 demonstrated that accessibility of services, ethical fundraising and investing, and reducing our full scope greenhouse gas emissions should all form part of our strategic priorities. 

Our ambition is to be net zero by 2050 and our 2024/27 environment strategy is built around 3 core aims: minimising the environmental impact of Mind’s operations, tackling the mental health impact of climate change and optimising the use of Mind’s influence and leadership voice. 

We calculated our carbon emissions baseline for 2022/23 at 8,170 tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent across both national Mind and our retail operations with the majority arising from our procurement of goods and services, end of life treatment of products from our charity shops, national Mind’s investments and grants, and electricity use across the retail estate. Mind is committed to reducing these emissions and will therefore continue to track our progress against our decarbonisation action plan and recalculate our emissions every two years.

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