About us
We won't give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect. Find more about Mind, our work and the impact we have below.
What we do
Learn how we're fighting for the mental health of people in England and Wales. Read about the things we campaign for and the services we offer.
Our impact
Take a look at our annual report to find out what impact our work has in England and Wales. And learn what we got up to in the past year.
Our achievements
For over 60 years, Mind has worked to improve the lives of people with mental health problems. See what we've achieved.
Mind Cymru
Mind Cymru is Mind in Wales. We're working to make sure everyone in Wales has access to the mental health information, support and services they need. See what we're up to in Wales.
Local Minds
Local Minds support communities across England and Wales. Services includes supported housing, crisis helplines, drop-in centres, employment schemes, counselling and befriending.
How we raise and spend our money
Mind relies on donations. We're so grateful to everyone who supports us financially. That's why we're committed to being open about how we're funded and managed.
Our strategy
Our strategy focuses on supporting people disproportionately affected by mental health issues. People from racialised communities, young people, and people living in poverty.
Our policy work
Our policy work influences the government so people with mental health problems get the support and respect they deserve. See what areas we're fighting on.