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Supporting others – for 11-18 year olds
Information and resources to help you support a friend or partner who is struggling with their feelings.
How we can help
It can be difficult to support someone who is struggling with their feelings or mental health.
Here's our advice on how you can support a friend or partner, while also looking after yourself too.
Seeing someone you care about going through something difficult can be very hard. But remember this won't last forever.
Introduction to supporting your friends or partner(s)
Information on how to support friends or partner(s) who are struggling with the way they're feeling.
Tips for supporting your friends or partner(s)
Tips and ideas for supporting friends or partner(s) with how they're feeling, as well as looking after yourself.
Supporting a friend or partner who self-harms
Information on how to support a friend or partner who is self-harming, including ways to look after your own wellbeing.
Supporting a friend or partner with anger
Information on how to support a friend or partner who is having problems with anger.
Tips for looking after your wellbeing
Practical tips and ideas for looking after your mental wellbeing.
Useful contacts for young people
If you need more support, there are a number of organisations you can contact for help and advice.
There's always someone out there who cares for you and understands what you might be going through – Shaik, 16