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Useful contacts – for adults supporting 11-18 year olds

If you look after or support a young person, this page lists organisations and services that can offer you information and support. All of the phone numbers listed here are helplines which can support you, unless we've noted what they're for instead.

Stay safe – supporting a young person

You might be supporting a young person who is feeling overwhelmed, feeling like they want to hurt themselves, or who you feel is in immediate danger.

If they have seriously harmed themself or you're worried they might attempt suicide, this is a mental health emergency. Call 999 and ask for an ambulance.

There are other situations where you might feel seriously concerned about a young person’s safety. Depending on your relationship to the young person, you might need to firstly report your concern to the appropriate safeguarding team. For example, if you work with them in an after-school club.

Useful contact details

Some organisations on this page only mention the term ‘parents and carers’. But many of these can also offer information and support to any adult who looks after a young person.

This can include, but is not limited to:

  • Parents and carers.
  • Family members and relatives – like older siblings, cousins, step-parents and grandparents.
  • Guardians of a young person, whether a legal guardian or a trusted adult.
  • Adults who work with young people in the community – like coaches, faith group leaders and youth workers.
  • Education professionals who work with young people – like teachers, classroom assistants and school staff.

If you're looking for helplines for young people themselves, see our page of useful contacts for young people.

Action for Children
Emotional and practical care for children, young people and families in England. Includes a parenting hub, information for foster and adoptive parents, and local services for families.

Anna Freud
Information for parents and carers about supporting a child or young person's mental health and wellbeing. Includes a directory of free mental health services in local areas.

Anxiety UK

03444 775 774
07537 416 905 (textline)
Advice, support and information for people who experience anxiety. Includes specific information for people supporting children and young people with anxiety.

Practical information and emotional support for children, young people and families.  Includes specific information on mental health problems.


0808 801 0677 (England)
0808 801 0433 (Wales)
Helpline, webchat and online support groups for people with eating problems, as well as family and friends. Includes specific information and support for carers.

Legal representation for children in family court cases in England. Advice on safety for children and how to act in their best interests. Information on topics like adoption, divorce and separation.

Carers Trust
Information and local support for unpaid carers, including caring for someone with a mental health problem.

Citizens Advice

0800 144 8848 (England)
0800 702 2020 (Wales)
Information and advice on your rights, covering topics like money, housing and discrimination. Offers some local branches and an online chat.

Council for Disabled Children
Information, support and advocacy for disabled children and young people, plus their families and carers.

Cruse Bereavement Support

0808 808 1677
Supports people experiencing grief. Includes specific information for adults helping a child or young person who has lost someone.

Ethnic Minorities & Youth Support Team Wales

[email protected]
Provides services in Wales to support people between 11 and 25 from diverse ethnic backgrounds, plus their families. Includes support for health and wellbeing.

Family Action

0808 802 6666
07537 404 282 (textline)
85258 (crisis line, text FAMILYACTION)
Practical, emotional, and financial support for over 18s in families experiencing poverty and disadvantage. Includes a crisis messenger service and webchat, plus a tool to search for local services.

Family Information Services
An information and support-finder for local services helping families and carers in Wales. Covers a range of services from childcare to healthcare.

Family Lives

0808 800 2222
[email protected]
Practical information and emotional support about parenting and family life. Provides a confidential helpline, live chat, email support and online forum for parents and carers.

Family Rights Group

0808 801 0366
Confidential advice and information for families whose children are involved with child services, or who need help accessing these services. Also supports parents, grandparents, relatives, friends and carers.


0808 802 0925
Information and support for single parent families. Provides a webchat and an online forum for single parents.

Hub of Hope
A UK-wide database of mental health charities and organisations offering advice and support.


020 7823 5430
07496 682785 (WhatsApp textline)
[email protected]
Advice about bullying for young people, their parents, carers, and adults working with children. Provides a parent advice line, textline and email support for adults concerned about a child.


0300 123 7015
Support for relatives or friends who care for children when their parents cannot. Offers information on kinship care, an advice line and peer support.


0808 808 1111 (Learning Disability Helpline)
[email protected]
Advice, information and support for people with a learning disability. Offers local groups and an online community. Includes specific information for family and friends.

Mermaids UK

0808 801 0400
Support for transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse people up to 18, as well as families and professionals. Runs events, local groups, online courses and a webchat.

MindEd for Families
Information and advice on supporting young people's mental health, created by experts and parents. Covers topics like parenting and mental health services.

National Autistic Society
Information, support and advocacy for autistic people, with dedicated sections for families and for education professionals. Includes information on school and children’s services, plus a Parent to Parent Emotional Support Helpline.

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)

0800 800 5000
Information and support for children who have experienced abuse. Provides a helpline for adults concerned about a child, plus local services to help young people and families overcome abuse.

No Panic

0300 772 9844
Support for people experiencing panic attacks and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Provides information and an advice line for parents and carers of young people.

NHS 111

NHS England website
NHS Wales website
You can get quick medical advice by contacting NHS 111 England or NHS 111 Wales. If you call 111, you can select option 2 to access a 24/7 helpline offering urgent mental health support.

NHS Service Finder
Searchable database of NHS services in England, including mental health services.


0800 068 41 41
07860 039967 (textline)
[email protected]
Support and advice for people under 35 experiencing suicidal thoughts or finding it hard to cope. Provides support to anyone concerned about a young person.

The Proud Trust
Information, advice and a web chat for trusted adults supporting LGBT+ children and young people.


0808 200 0247
Help and support for women, children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse.

Support and advice about relationships, including family life with children and young people. Offers workshops and counselling in certain local areas.

Relate Cymru

0300 003 2340 (service information line)
Relationship counselling and mediation services to help couples, individuals and families across Wales. Includes help for domestic violence. Provides in-person support at local centres across Wales.


0808 801 0525 (advice and information line)
Information and support for people with mental health problems and people who care for them. Offers local support groups, as well as specific information for unpaid carers.

Royal College of Psychiatrists
Information for parents and carers on children and young people's mental health and wellbeing.


116 123
0808 164 0123 (Welsh Language Line)
[email protected]
Samaritans are open 24/7 for people to talk about any concerns, worries and troubles they’re going through. You can visit some Samaritans branches in person.


0300 304 7000
Information and emotional support for people experiencing mental health problems, as well as their carers and families. Also provides email support, a text service and online community.


0808 800 3333
Practical information and emotional support for disabled people. Offers family services in some local areas, plus an online community.

Welsh Women's Aid

0808 80 10 800
[email protected]
Information and support for women and children in Wales who have experienced domestic abuse. Includes a directory of local services.

Winston's Wish

08088 020 021
[email protected]
Practical information and emotional support for children and young people experiencing grief, their families and those that care for them. Also offers in-person support groups and drop-in sessions.

Women's Aid (England) (live chat)
[email protected]
Information and support for women and children in England who have experienced domestic abuse. Provides support by live chat, a directory of local services and a forum.


0808 802 5544
Mental health information and emotional support for young people, their parents and those who care for them. Offers a Parents Helpline, email service and webchat for support, signposting and advice.

Mind's services

  • Mind's helplines provide information and support by phone and email.
  • Local Minds offer face-to-face services across England and Wales. These services include talking therapies, peer support and advocacy.
  • Side by Side is our supportive online community for anyone experiencing a mental health problem.

Published: August 2022
Next review planned: August 2025

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