Mind responds to the death of Her Majesty The Queen
Chief Executive of Mind, Paul Farmer CBE, said:
“We are deeply saddened by the death of Her Majesty The Queen and offer our condolences to The Royal Family and those of us who are struggling with the news of her death.
“Over the years, The Queen has been a tireless champion of good causes up and down the country and a patron of more than 600 charities and public service organisations. As the longest reigning monarch in British history, she has brought stability and reassurance to the nation.
“During her lifetime, attitudes towards mental health have been transformed. So much has been achieved in challenging the once commonplace stigma and prejudice faced by those of us with lived experience of mental health problems. This has been a significant focus of The Royal Foundation.
“The Queen’s life of public service also epitomises the best of what we seek to do in the charity sector and our thoughts are with her family at this difficult time.”
Dywedodd Paul Farmer CBE, Prif Weithredwr Mind:
“Rydym wedi ein tristau’n fawr gan farwolaeth Ei Mawrhydi'r Frenhines ac yn cydymdeimlo â’r Teulu Brenhinol a’r rhai ohonom sy’n cael trafferth gyda’r newyddion am ei marwolaeth.
“Dros y blynyddoedd, mae’r Frenhines wedi bod yn hyrwyddwr diflino achosion da ledled y wlad, ac yn noddwr i fwy na 600 o elusennau a sefydliadau gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Fel y frenhines sydd wedi teyrnasu hiraf yn hanes Prydain, mae hi wedi dod â sefydlogrwydd a sicrwydd i'r genedl.
“Yn ystod ei hoes, mae agweddau tuag at iechyd meddwl wedi cael eu trawsnewid. Mae cymaint wedi’i gyflawni wrth herio’r stigma a’r rhagfarn a oedd unwaith yn gyffredin yn wynebu’r rhai ohonom sydd â phrofiad bywyd o broblemau iechyd meddwl. Mae hyn wedi bod yn ffocws sylweddol gan y Sefydliad Brenhinol.
“Mae bywyd gwasanaeth cyhoeddus y Frenhines hefyd yn crynhoi’r gorau o’r hyn rydyn ni’n ceisio ei wneud yn y sector elusennol ac mae ein meddyliau gyda’i theulu ar yr adeg anodd hon.”