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Consent to treatment

Explains your rights around giving consent to or refusing treatment. Find out what consent means, when you could be treated without your consent, and how to make complaints.

Mind's services

  • Mind's Legal Line provides legal information and general advice by phone. 
  • Local Minds offer face-to-face services across England and Wales. These services include talking therapies, peer support and advocacy.

How to find an advocate

To find advocacy services and groups in your area, you could call Mind's Legal Line on 0300 466 6463 or contact your local Mind.

If you're in hospital, you can also contact the:

In some situations, you may be legally entitled to the support of an advocate. For more information, see our pages on advocacy.

Other organisations

Action Against Medical Accidents (AvMA)

0345 123 2352
Advice and support for people affected by avoidable harm in healthcare.

Care Quality Commission (CQC)
Regulates and inspects health and social care services in England.

Civil Legal Advice (CLA)
Can tell you if you're eligible for legal aid, and give you free and confidential legal advice if so.

Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)
Promotes and monitors human rights and equality.

First-tier Tribunal (Mental Health)
Deals with cases in England relating to the Mental Health Act 1983.

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW)
Independent regulator for healthcare in Wales, where you can make complaints and provide feedback.

HealthWatch England
Helps represent people who use health and social care services in England.

Law Centres Network
Information about Law Centres, which defend the legal rights of people who can't afford a lawyer. Includes a searchable directory.

Connects volunteer lawyers with people who aren't eligible for legal aid and can't afford to pay for legal advice. Includes details of free legal advice clinics.

Mental Health Lawyers Association
Professional association for solicitors specialising in mental health law. Includes a list of solicitors by local area.

Office of the Public Guardian
Protects people in England and Wales who may not have the mental capacity to make certain decisions for themselves, such as about their health and finance.

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

0345 015 4033
Makes final decisions on complaints that have not been resolved by the NHS in England and UK government departments.

Public Services Ombudsman for Wales

0300 790 0203
Looks into complaints about public services and independent care providers in Wales.

This information was published in September 2022. We will revise it in 2025.

References are available on request. If you would like to reproduce any of this information, see our page on permissions and licensing.

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