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Learn – hold a Feel Good quiz night

We're always learning new things – often without realising it. Feeling like you're learning and developing can boost your self-esteem. One of the most fun ways to learn is through a quiz! This is also a great way to fundraise for Mind.

Here's our guide to putting on a Feel Good quiz.

Choose a date and venue

  • We’d love it if you hosted your quiz during Feel Good Fortnight (1 to 14 April), but really whenever works for you and when you think you will get the best turnout.

  • Find a venue willing to host. This could be a school hall, community centre or local pub. Let them know you’re supporting Mind (request a letter of authority from us) and you’ll be surprised how generous venue owners can be!

Find your prizes

  • You could use a percentage of the entry fee for the prize, or raise even more money for Mind by sourcing other prizes instead. Remember to let people know if you're using part of the fundraising to cover prize costs though!

  • Local businesses may be able to donate items or experiences. Email us for a template letter to ask them.

Promote the quiz

  • Probably the most important thing you need to do. Use social media platforms, posters, and word of mouth to spread the word.

  • Use our quiz poster template to tell people the date, time, location and the fact you’re supporting mental health though this quiz.

Develop quiz questions

  • Create a range of quiz questions that cater to different interests and knowledge levels.

  • Favourites include general knowledge, music, history, sports, and a picture round.

Set-up on the day

  • Arrive early at the venue to set up the space, including arranging tables and chairs, setting up any equipment, and displaying any promotional materials like a handy QR sign to your JustGiving page.

Collect donations

  • Collect an entry fee (even better if they can donate directly to your JustGiving page). Learn how to find your QR code and send people to your page

Thank participants and supporters

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