What we found in our coronavirus research
Following on from research we did in 2020, we launched a survey in April 2021 to find out how people with mental health problems were coping.
We heard from almost 12,000 people across England and Wales. We found:
- Around a third of adults and young people said their mental health has got much worse since March 2020.
- 58% of people receiving benefits said their mental health was poor.
- 88% of young people said loneliness made their mental health worse during the pandemic.
- 1 in 5 adults did not seek support during the pandemic because they didn’t think their problem was serious enough.
"Since March 2020 my mental health deteriorated and by the end of 2020 I was at breaking point once again."
Findings from the reports
If you would like to read our Covid-19 research reports, please get in touch with us at [email protected].
"What we've been through is massive, and it's OK to give yourself time to deal with how you're feeling."
Watch this video to hear from Anisah, Maccartney and Blake about their experiences during coronavirus.
First you'll hear from Anisah. Next you'll hear Blake, who found the change in his support during the pandemic made it difficult for him to cope. Finally you'll hear from Maccartney, who shares how he coped by reaching out for help.
Where to get support
If you need non-urgent information about mental health support and services, there are a few things you can do.
- Call our Infoline on 0300 123 3393
- Email [email protected]
- Read our online information for adults
- Read our online information for young people