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Understanding complaints – for 11-18 year olds

Intro to what it means to make a complaint about how you've been treated while receiving mental health or social care.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is a way of telling a person or a service your concerns about something that has happened to you or how someone has treated you.

You can also use complaints to resolve problems that are currently happening with your care and treatment.

Making a complaint can feel difficult and scary, especially when you've never done it before. But you deserve to have your voice heard.

This page answers some of common questions about complaints to help you understand the basics.

I'm ready to make a complaint

If you already know what complaints mean and what they are for, find out what happens after making a complaint.

Making a complaint wasn't always easy, and sometimes didn't have the outcome I hoped for, but I'm always glad I made the complaint – Saffron

Why might I want to make a complaint?

You should get the help and support you need, when you need it. People who work in mental health or social care services should always treat you in a way that makes you feel heard and respected – but we know this doesn't always happen.

If you feel like something's wrong with the care you've received or the way someone has treated you, you have the right to make a complaint about it.

Complaints can help us in different ways. Making a complaint might achieve 1 or more of these outcomes:

  • Resolves the problem you've experienced and makes sure it doesn't happen to you again
  • Gets you an apology for the problem you've experienced
  • Gets you ‘financial compensation’ to help with what you've been through – this means you will get some money as part of the apology
  • Lets a service know that they have a problem so they can change, improve and make sure nobody else will experience this in the future

What can I make a complaint about?

There are many other types of situations and things that you can make a complaint about.

The examples below show different situations where making a complaint could help.

Example 1

Hassan is getting support from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). He's had 5 different care co-ordinators over the last 18 months, and sometimes he hasn't had a care co-ordinator at all. It's really hard for him to keep telling his story to new people and he doesn't feel like he's getting the support he needs.

Hassan wants to get the right support and feel confident that the service is properly managing his care, so he decides to make a complaint about CAMHS.

Example 2

Andi has lived in care before, but they're currently living with foster parents. However, they want to live with their older brother. Andi's social worker doesn't listen to their views on where they want to live, and seems to ignore what they want to do.

Andi is worried that this could affect where they end up living, so they decide to make a complaint to the local authority about their social worker.

Example 3

Kate is in hospital for her mental health as an informal patient. She is worried about the attitude of some of the ward staff. Kate doesn't feel that they understand, respect and accept what it's like for her as an autistic young person, or how the ward environment affects her.

Kate wants the ward's policies and practices to improve, so she decides to make a complaint about her experience of inpatient care.

Every experience is valid – Saffron

When should I make my complaint?

Generally, if you want to make a complaint about something, you should do this no later than 12 months after it happened.

If it happened more than 12 months ago, you might still be able to make the complaint if these 2 reasons both apply:

  • It's still possible to investigate your complaint properly. For example, there are good records of what happened.
  • You have a good reason for the delay. For example, you were very unwell and weren't able to make the complaint.

Can a service refuse to investigate my complaint?

You have a right to make a complaint and have your complaint investigated. However, a service does not have to investigate your complaint if:

  • You complain informally and the service helps you resolve it in a way you're happy with
  • You make your complaint later than 12 months after the thing you're complaining about
  • Your complaint has already been investigated and you make a new complaint about the exact same thing in the same service

Making my complaint made me feel like I've done the right thing. My point is – it's not a waste of time, no matter what – Saffron

What if I change my mind about making a complaint?

You can change your mind about making a complaint at any time. If you no longer want to make your complaint, you should directly tell the service you're complaining about.

If the service is very concerned about the things in your complaint, they might continue to investigate it themselves. In this case, you probably won't need to be involved.


Some of us find it really hard to deal with the stress of the complaint process, which can also last a very long time.

If you feel like you've tried your best, but you do change your mind, that's okay.

What happens when I make a complaint?

For your next step, find out about the process of making a complaint about health or social care.

Published: July 2024
Next review planned: July 2027

We spoke to young people who agreed to give quotes for this page. Their experiences are not related to the people shown in the photos.

References are available on request. If you want to reproduce this content, see our permissions and licensing page.

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