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Making a complaint about mental health or social care – for 11-18 year olds

Information for young people explaining how to make a complaint about how you've been treated you or the care you've received.

How do I make a complaint?

When you need to make a complaint about your mental healthcare or social care, it can feel difficult, scary and confusing.

There are lots of different options for where and how you can make complaints, which can feel overwhelming at times.

Going through the complaint process might not be easy, but we're here to help.

What are complaints?

Learn the basics about making complaints before reading about the process.

You shouldn't feel too scared or overwhelmed to make a complaint. It is doable and possible! – Saffron

What will happen when I make a complaint?

Depending on where or who you've made a complaint to, the people who receive it might handle it in very different ways. There are special rules on how to make complaints for:

Health services includes things like your doctor, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and inpatient care.

If you're not sure if your support is run or paid for by the NHS, you can ask them.

If you pay with your own money to see a counsellor or therapist, these private services won't follow the same special rules which apply to the NHS. However, they will still have a way to make a complaint.

Our tips for the complaint process page has guidance on how to find out where to make your complaint.

Each section below covers what happens next when you complain about:

Making a complaint about health services in England

In this case, the NHS must run or pay for the service that you're complaining about. Once you've made your complaint, the service should confirm they've received it within 3 working days.

They should let you know:

  • How they will investigate your complaint
  • When they will send you a response

If you don't feel comfortable meeting to talk with them, they can send you a letter or email. This should explain how they will investigate and when you should get a response.

Once they've finished looking into your complaint, they will send you a written response explaining:

  • How they've investigated your complaint
  • What they've decided
  • Any action they plan to take because of your complaint

If they don't send you a response in the time they said they would, they'll need to send you a letter or email to explain why. At the end of the complaint process, the final outcome will be a different result or action depending on your complaint.

A timeline showing what happens after you make a complaint about health services in England.

When I left school, my problems with CAMHS got worse. But I knew my worth and what I deserve. I complained and got a new therapist with no culture clashes.

Making a complaint about social care in England

If you make a complaint about social care in England, like child services, you might see up to 3 stages in the process.

Complaint stage 1

The service that you're complaining about should arrange to discuss your complaint with you to try and resolve the problem. After this discussion:

  • If your complaint is resolved, they will write to you setting out what you've agreed together.
  • If your complaint is not resolved, they will write to you to say what they've done to try to resolve your problem. They should also tell you about your right to move to stage 2.

Stage 1 should last up to 10 working days (2 weeks). If your complaint is complicated or if you would like support from an advocate, this stage could be extended for an extra 10 days.

A timeline showing stage 1 of what happens after you make a complaint about social care services in England.

Complaint stage 2

The service will investigate your complaint, then an independent person will take a second look at the investigation.

Stage 2 should last up to 25 working days (5 weeks) but could last up to 65 working days (13 weeks) at most. If it's going to take longer than 25 working days, someone should tell you about this.

When they complete their investigation, they will write to you explaining:

  • How they've investigated your complaint
  • What they've decided
  • Any action they plan to take because of your complaint

They might also write to explain what they think about the investigation and any other action that should be taken. They should also tell you about your right to move to stage 3 if you're not happy with the response.

If you want to go to stage 3, you must decide within 20 working days (4 weeks) of hearing back about the investigation.

A timeline showing stage 2 of what happens after you make a complaint about social care services in England.

Complaint stage 3

A panel of 3 independent people will consider:

  • What happened in stage 2 of the investigation
  • Whether the investigation was good enough

The next step is usually an ‘in-person hearing’, which should happen within 30 working days (6 weeks). This means that the panel and people from the social care team will meet together to talk. They'll also invite you to come, but you can bring people for support or to speak for you, like a parent, carer or advocate. If you don't want to go to the in-person hearing, you can usually write to the panel to explain what you want them to do.

The panel will decide on the solution of your complaint within 5 working days. They will recommend what the local authority social care service should do.

You should receive a response from the service 15 working days after the decision of the panel. At the end of the complaint process, the final outcome will be a different result or action depending on your complaint. If you're unhappy with the outcome, you can complain to the Ombudsman.

A timeline showing stage 3 of what happens after you make a complaint about social care services in England.

Making a complaint about health services in Wales

The service that you're complaining about must be run or paid for by the NHS in Wales. They should confirm they've received your complaint within 2 working days. They should let you know:

  • How they will investigate your complaint
  • When they will send you a response
  • What type of support you can get, like advocacy

They might also send you a letter or emailing confirming how they will investigate and when you will get a response.

Once they've finished looking into your complaint, they will send you a written response explaining:

  • How they've investigated your complaint
  • What they've decided
  • Any action they plan to take because of your complaint

They should do this within 30 working days (6 weeks). If they don't send you a response within this time, they will need to send you a letter or email to explain why. They must send you a response as soon as possible, but it can take up to 6 months.

At the end of the complaint process, the final outcome will be a different result or action depending on your complaint.

A timeline showing what happens after you make a complaint about health services in Wales.

Making a complaint about social care in Wales

The social care service that you're complaining about should respond to you within 2 working days. In their response, they should:

  • Tell you more about the complaint process
  • Offer help and guidance for your complaint, like advocacy
  • Offer to meet with you within 10 working days (2 weeks) to see if you can agree how to resolve your complaint

If you don't want to meet with them, they can send you a letter or email confirming how they'll investigate your complaint and when you'll get a response.

If meeting with them:

  • Resolves your complaint, they will confirm what you've agreed together in writing.
  • Does not resolve your complaint, they will send you a ‘written statement’ of what your complaint is about, so you can check it's all correct and truthful.

After they've finished looking into your complaint, they will write you a response to explain:

  • How they've investigated your complaint
  • What they've decided
  • Any action they plan to take because of your complaint

They should do this within 25 working days (5 weeks) of agreeing your written statement. At the end of the complaint process, the final outcome will be a different result or action depending on your complaint.

A timeline showing what happens after you make a complaint about social care services in Wales.

It can be really stressful, tiring and painful making a complaint. Revisiting things that have happened is hard – Saffron

What could be the result or action at the end?

You might feel overwhelmed by the long and often complicated process of making a complaint about health or social care.

At the end of any type of complaint process we've covered on this page, you might end up with 1 or more of these outcomes:

  • An apology. You might get a written or verbal apology from the service to resolve the problem and make sure it doesn't happen to you again.
  • Recommendations. If an independent panel has taken part in the complaint process, they might make recommendations on how the service needs to change.
  • Financial compensation. This means you will get some money as part of an apology to help with what you've been through.
  • Future improvements. Your complaint might make the service aware of their problem, to make sure nobody else goes through this in the future. This will really help other people, even though it might not feel satisfying for you.
  • Unable to investigate. A lack of proof or information might mean the service or independent panel will not be able to fully investigate your complaint. They won't be able to take it any further, which can feel upsetting.
  • Change a decision. Your complaint might have involved a health or social care decision that resulted in an action that affected you. If so and if they agree, the final result might be to go back on that decision to resolve your complaint.

Understanding each possible outcome can help you see your goals clearly or remind yourself want to achieve from your complaint.

There are also things you can do if you're not happy with the result of a complaint.

Even if you don't think you can make a difference, you usually can – Kalia, 18

Where do I complain about something that happened in hospital?

You might need to complain about how someone treated you or the care you received when you were kept in hospital for your mental health.

If something happened while you were sectioned or on a Community Treatment Order (CTO), you may be able to complain to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in England or the Health Inspectorate Wales (HIW).

Their websites have information about how to make a complaint:

The CQC and HIW will usually ask you to complain to whichever hospital sectioned you or put you on a CTO. This process can feel complicated and difficult, but you can get an advocate to help you.

The CQC and HIW cannot investigate complaints about things that happened while you were an informal patient.

What is being sectioned?

Find out more about what it means to be kept in hospital for your mental health.

I didn't realise I still had a right to have my opinions heard on things like treatment or what was happening to me, even while it meant doctors had the final say.

How can I get support for making a complaint?

Making a complaint by yourself might feel scary and seem like a big step, but there are ways you can get support.

Ask someone to help you or make the complaint for you

A parent, guardian, carer or other trusted adult could:

  • Support you while you make your complaint
  • Come to meetings about the complaint and offer support during the investigation
  • Directly make your complaint for you

If someone else makes the complaint for you, the service might check that you're happy for this person to do so. Some services might not allow this, which means you'll need to submit it yourself but can still get someone's support.

Ask an advocate to help you make the complaint

You have a right to get support from a professional advocate. You can also ask the service you're complaining about for details on how to access an advocate.

Advocates can help with complaints in many different contexts, including complaints about your time in hospital.

Getting support from an advocate

What does it mean to get support from an advocate to help with your complaint?

If your complaint is about the NHS, you may be able to get advocacy-like support from the Patient Advice and Liaison Services (PALS) in England or Community Health Councils (CHCs) in Wales:

Getting support from another person can be really beneficial, even if it's not a professional advocate.

What if I'm not happy with the result of a complaint?

Sometimes complaints don't work out the way we want them to. This can feel stressful and upsetting, but other places can offer more help if you're unhappy with the result.

Using the Ombudsman

The Ombudsman is an independent person or organisation that can investigate complaints. They only investigate certain complaints and have certain rules for what they will investigate.

You may be able to ask the Ombudsman to investigate if you're unhappy with the result of your complaint about either:

It is free to use the Ombudsman. If they agree with your complaint, they can make recommendations to help put things right for you.

You'll contact a different Ombudsman depending on what your complaint is about:

Telling a regulator

A regulator is an organisation that monitors health and social care. You can talk to a regulator at the same time as making a complaint.

Talking to them won't resolve your complaint, but can help push for change and improvement. By telling the regulator about problems with the service, you're helping other young people who might face the same problem in the future.

You'll contact a different regulator depending on what your complaint is about:

Most people working in health and social care belong to a regulator which sets out special rules for how they do their job. For example, the regulator for doctors is the General Medical Council.

On the Health & Care Professions Council website, you can find a full list of regulators.

Even when you don't get the help or outcome you desire, the fact that you mentioned it at all can be helpful to you and others – Kalia, 18

Speaking to a lawyer

If you've tried our ideas and nothing has helped, you might want to speak to a type of lawyer called a solicitor. They can talk you through your options and tell you whether you or your family could take legal action.

Our page of useful contacts for young people has a section on contacts for legal rights and advocacy support.

I need tips for coping while making a complaint

Making a complaint can feel scary, overwhelming and take up a lot of your time. It's important to find ways to look after your own wellbeing.

Published: July 2024
Next review planned: July 2027

We spoke to young people who agreed to give quotes for this page. Their experiences are not related to the people shown in the photos.

References are available on request. If you want to reproduce this content, see our permissions and licensing page.

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