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Seek help and beat the stigma

Wednesday, 12 June 2024 Allen

Allen blogs about the support she got from Mind and why it’s important to break the stigma in African communities about mental health.

We’ve all been affected by mental health in our lives. For me it was circumstantial. I was suffering with endometriosis, an incredibly painful gynaecological condition and, at 30, I had an operation to ease my pain. But the surgery didn’t go as planned and I was left in chronic pain. I was very depressed afterwards. I stayed at home and didn’t even get out of bed. It was a friend who told me I need to ask for help.

“In the African community… it’s very hard to speak up about mental health as there is still such a stigma around it.”

I finally told my GP who referred me to Mind. They called me and arranged some counselling that really helped me.

In the African community, especially where I’m from in Uganda, it’s very hard to speak up about mental health as there is still such a stigma around it. People often prefer to suffer in silence than to seek help. Also, because religion is such a big factor in African communities, people will often be told to pray to help them get over a crisis, but prayer alone is not enough.

I try to talk about mental health issues a lot and raise awareness. I work in mental health, so a lot of my colleagues know about it but outside of work, I think there is still a lot to be done. We’ve still got such a long way to go when it comes to talking about mental health, especially in African communities.

Whenever Mind has a campaign, I set up a JustGiving fundraising page and I share the link with family and friends. I’ve raised around £100 but I’m hoping to do an event – a walk or a run – so I can raise more money.

“I’m always trying to educate myself on mental health and the different pathways, and Mind’s website has great resources.”

I’m always trying to educate myself on mental health and the different pathways. When I struggled with my mental health, I was worried I would be sectioned, and I know many other people also feel this way. But now I know there are many other ways to get support. It’s important to seek help if you are in crisis, regardless of what society thinks.

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