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I have learnt new skills and built my confidence

Monday, 30 May 2022 Joan

Joan, shop volunteer in Rhyl shares her learnings from volunteering.

How long have you been volunteering in the Rhyl Mind shop?
I have been a volunteer for 23 years.

Why did you start volunteering in the shop?
When I finished college, I needed something to do to stop me being bored. I knew the Assistant Manager at the time.

What do you like the most about volunteering?
I have learnt new skills and built my confidence. I like the feeling when we achieve, I've also made lots of friends and met my husband here.

What have you learned from your experience?
I have improved my skills and learned lots of new ones too. I am the lead volunteer for Rhyl so run the shop on the manager's days off.

A few words for your shop team…
We have lots of fun and laughter and look after each other in tough times.

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