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How the Blue Light Programme has made a difference

Thursday, 23 January 2020 Jules

Jules, one of our Blue Light Champions, has played a big part in making sure the Mind Blue Light Programme continues to make a difference for colleagues she works with at the London Ambulance Service. We asked Jules to share some of her experiences in the introduction to our latest annual review, which she shares here.

Mind set up the Blue Light Programme to reduce stigma, promote wellbeing and improve mental health support across the ambulance, fire, police and search and rescue services. When the programme launched, I’d just returned to my job following a period of time off for spinal surgery. I’d had similar surgery many years earlier and fallen into a terrible depression afterwards. When I first heard about the Blue Light Programme, I felt almost a responsibility to share my experience, and from that day forward I’ve done everything I can to be there for anyone who is having difficulty in dealing with their own emotions or situations.

I think what the Blue Light Programme has done more than anything is let people know it’s OK to share their experiences

As a Blue Light Champion, I now share information about mental health and mental health support with colleagues across the whole organisation. I also encourage people to speak to someone – whether that’s me or someone involved in our support networks – about anything that may impact on them delivering their role in the ambulance service. I’ve spoken at events too, and helped introduce mental health awareness training at work.

I think what the Blue Light Programme has done more than anything is let people know it’s OK to share their experiences and admit this can be a tough role. I’ve had very senior colleagues in our organisation approach me to say how much easier their own conversations have been since Blue Light started. I’ve had someone I work closely with come to me and say, ‘I don’t know who else to turn to, but I just can’t cope’.

We can’t take the stress out of this job we choose to do, but we can let people know that they’re not alone

There is a new openness around mental health, and that’s come about because of the Blue Light Programme and because people threw themselves into supporting it.

We can’t take the stress out of this job we choose to do, but we can let people know that they’re not alone. That’s a big step forward and I’m proud to be part of it – and proud to work alongside Mind as it achieves all of the progress described in this year’s review. I hope you find it an inspiring read.

See what we're campaigning on

This year’s annual review focuses on the theme of openness – a quality at the heart of everything we do here at Mind. Throughout 2018-19, we worked with more people in more ways than ever before, including 40,000 people with mental health problems who helped us to make sure our services meet the needs of the people who use them.

By working together and being open, we’ve been able to achieve amazing things.

Read our 2018-19 annual review

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