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Complementary and alternative therapies

Complementary and alternative therapies cover a very wide range of treatments.

These include:

  • Body-based therapies, like massage or acupuncture
  • Meditation-based therapies, like mindfulness
  • Herbal remedies, like St John's wort

While the NHS provides some of these, others are based on different ideas of healing and wellbeing than those we normally hear about in the UK.

About complementary and alternative therapies

Learn about what complementary and alternative therapies are, and how they're used. Also find out how they're regulated, and how to access them.

Types of complementary and alternative therapy

A list of different therapies, explaining what they are, whether they're safe and effective, and where to learn more.

Herbal remedies

Learn what herbal remedies are, and how they're used. And read about taking them safely, and how they differ from prescription medication.

Published: January 2022

Next review planned: January 2025

References and bibliography available on request.

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