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Mind reacts to the latest ONS data on economic inactivity

Tuesday, 17 December 2024 Mind

The ONS has today released its latest data on economic inactivity, which has shown a concerning increase in the number of people who are unemployed,  while the number of people who are economically inactive due to sickness remains high.

Nil Guzelgun, Head of Policy at Mind, said:

“Mental health is a causing an exodus from the workplace. This latest announcement from the ONS further highlights the impact of mental health problems on our economy. We know that every year 300,000 people leave the workforce due to poor mental health.

“Many people with mental health problems find themselves in low-paid and insecure jobs, largely due to a lack of support in the workplace. We are particularly concerned about young people who are struggling with their mental health and unable to access support.

“Today’s data shows that many who are unable to work due to long term illness are eager to find their way back to employment. People with mental health problems – whatever their age – desperately need voluntary and tailored employment support. The UK government must roll out Individual Placement and Support schemes as a matter of urgency. We know that Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) also acts as a barrier for people to stay in work. It is inflexible and the amount people receive is not enough to live on. As the employment rights bill passes through parliament, we hope that MPs and Lords will suggest amendments to make SSP more flexible and adequate.”

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