Comments, compliments and complaints policy
Mind is committed to ensuring that its work is of the highest quality. We believe that through effective management and investigation of comments, compliments and complaints we can identify learning to achieve high quality work and continuous improvement as an organisation.
The following principles underpin Mind’s approach to handling comments, compliments and complaints.
- Mind recognises that comments, compliments and complaints are an important part of customer feedback.
- The procedure is fair, easy and as transparent as possible.
- The procedure is accessible to all regardless of age, disability, gender, ethnicity, belief or sexual orientation.
- Making a complaint will not harm or prejudice the service that is given to the complainant.
- Concerns and complaints are dealt with efficiently, appropriately and are investigated within the agreed time frame.
- Complainants are treated with respect and courtesy and receive appropriate support throughout the handling of the complaint.
- Complainants receive a timely and appropriate response, identifying the outcome of any investigation.
- Action is taken where necessary in the light of the outcome of the complaint. This might include an explanation or an apology and if relevant and appropriate, information on any action taken.
- Learning from complaints will be used to improve Mind’s work and drive forward a culture of continuous improvement.
- It is very important that every effort is made to ensure anyone making a complaint understands the outcome of their complaint.
- Mind will recognise peoples reasoning for making a complaint.
If you have positive comments about our work or how we have helped you, please email [email protected] so we can track that feedback and act on it where necessary.
Making a complaint about Mind or Mind shops
If a complaint is about National Mind or Mind Retail, then there are three stages that can be used to try to resolve the problem.
If a complaint is about the CEO then it should be addressed to the Chair of the Board of Trustees (marked private and confidential), which is ultimately responsible as trustees of the organisation.
Stage 1 (informal)
To make an initial complaint (stage 1), please speak to or email the individual(s) concerned or their line manager and we will endeavour to satisfy your complaint and let you know of any remedial action that is to be taken.
- If you don’t know who to contact or do not wish to contact the individual involved, please email [email protected]
- All complaints will be acknowledged by the member of staff to whom you communicated your complaint or by the complaint helpdesk within three working days from the date it is received.
- In order for us to resolve your issue to the best of our ability, please include as much detail as possible regarding your complaint, including any relevant communications or documentation.
- We will respond to Stage 1 complaints within 7 working days.
Stage 2 (formally registering a complaint)
- If you are not satisfied with the response you receive at Stage 1, or you would prefer your complaint to be formally investigated, you can request your complaint to be escalated to Stage 2, either through your contact at Stage 1, or directly to the complaint helpdesk.
- Please submit the details of your complaint verbally by telephone or in person, electronically on the Mind website or by emailing the complaints helpdesk ([email protected]) or in writing FAO Complaints Helpdesk, Mind, 2 Redman Place, London, E20 1JQ.
- Your complaint will being acknowledged with 3 working days.
- A head of department will be assigned to investigate your complaint and you will receive a full written response within 20 working days from the date of the acknowledgement.
- If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint, you will be given the opportunity to speak to a director at Mind and given the option to appeal (Stage 3).
Stage 3 (appeal)
- To appeal, please outline the reasons for your dissatisfaction in writing or electronically to the director of the department (or associate director).
- This will be the final decision of the complaints process and will ensure the director has reviewed the investigation, made any further enquiries and then delivers the reason for the final decision.
- The director will write within 30 working days of receiving the appeal
Making a complaint about a Local Mind
Mind recognises that it may sometimes be difficult to distinguish between Mind and local Minds. Local Minds are each independent registered charities, so if your complaint is regarding your local Mind, you should contact the local Mind directly to explain that you wish to make a complaint and therefore would like to receive a copy of their complaints procedure. You can find local Minds' details on our website.
Fundraising Regulator
If you are dissatisfied with Mind’s response to your fundraising complaint you can contact the Fundraising Regulator (FR) to access their independent complaints procedure.
Charity Commission
If you are dissatisfied with Mind’s complaints process, you can contact the Charity Commission, who will be able to advise on whether they may be able to advise on the matter.