How to organise a quiz night
Quiz nights are a great way to get people together to raise money for Mind. Find out who’s the office mastermind and who’s the weakest link with this simple step-by-step guide.
When and where
Set a date and venue to host your event. For example, a pub, social club or local community centre.
Send out invitations early and spread the word. Advertise on your company intranet, social media or by putting up posters.
Set a theme
Decide on the type of quiz you want to hold. You could have a theme (for example, music or movies) or you could choose general knowledge. Make sure you try and match the questions to your audience. Aim to have around 60 questions split into rounds.
We've got a handy answer sheet template you can print for your quiz.
Find a quizmaster
Find a confident and charismatic quizmaster who can hold the attention of the room. Make sure they understand the questions they’re asking before the night starts.
Assemble your teams
Ask people to sign up in teams of between 2-8. Get them to think of their team name – the funnier the better!
Ask each team or individual to pay an entry fee. The winning team will win a prize – as it’s a fundraising event, most people will be happy with a token prize, such as a box of chocolates.
Boost donations
You can find other ways to fundraise on the night such as a raffle or tombola. Why not increase fundraising by enforcing fines for anyone caught using their phone?
Have fun and enjoy yourself!