Gifts in wills: your questions answered
On this page we answer your questions about giving to Mind in your will, our ongoing Free Will offer and our Free Wills Month promotion.
Please contact our wills team on 020 8215 2243 or email [email protected]
There are 2 main types of gifts or legacies that people tend to leave to charities:
- Pecuniary gift (also called a cash gift) - this is a fixed sum of money (for example, £100)
- Residuary gift (also known as a percentage gift) - this is a proportion of your remaining estate after all other gifts have been paid out (for example, 5%)
How you phrase your will depends on what type of gift you want to make. Your solicitor can help you with more specific, or complex gifts.
Please email [email protected]. If your query is urgent, please include a phone number and we will call you back.
Trusts can help to look after the person’s best interests, help with their care costs, or help keep a person eligible for welfare payments. However, we’re not legal professionals and so we can't advise on specific cases. We recommend speaking with a solicitor about your options as these will be specific to the person you want to take care of.
We can't offer financial or tax planning advice. You should contact a specialist advisor to help you plan your will.
When you request or download our free guide to wills, you can ask us to include a list of solicitors near you.
Answers about our Free Will offer
We have 3 year-round services to help you write or update your Will for free.
The first is the National Free Wills Network. These appointments tend to be in person with a solicitor in your local area.
The second is through Co-op Legal Services where you can write your Will online or via the phone from the comfort of your home.
The third is through Farewill where you can write your Will online (with a telephone call needed to finalise), or by phone. Simple wills are free with the use of a Mind voucher code.
We can help you write or update a simple will or simple mirror wills with a partner through our free will offers. We’d suggest discussing your needs with a solicitor if you need something more complicated.
We can help you write or update simple mirror wills with a partner through our free will offer. We’d suggest discussing your needs with a solicitor if you need something more complicated.
A simple will covers who you want to inherit your estate after you die, who should be in charge of distributing your estate (your executor). It also covers who you want as the guardian for any dependents.
Sometimes, a simple will might not be right for you. For example, if you have children from a previous relationship/s, you own a business or you want to set up a will trust to support someone.
The offer is meant for Mind supporters, of adult age. You must give a UK address when registering for the offer.
You can register for our Free Will offer online. You can also email [email protected] or call our wills team on 020 8215 2243 to register over the phone. Please note, we can only take registrations while the offer is open.
You can register for our Free Wills offer online. You can also call or request a callback from someone at Co-op Legal Services.
You can also register for our Free Wills offer with Farewill online.
The choice of who you ask to write your with Will is entirely up to you.
Yes. One registration can be used for you and your partner. Many partners make joint wills, sometimes known as mirror wills, which are very similar. Simply register once in your name and let your solicitor know you are interested in a joint will.
Yes. Our offer covers a simple will. More extensive work, for example a trust fund in your will, may cost extra. Please make your needs clear to your chosen solicitor when arranging your appointment. You can then talk through costs for any extra work.
Our offer with the National Free Wills Network is available across the UK. Our offer with Co-op Legal Services in available in England and Wales.
Our offer with Farewill can be used by anyone residing in the UK. However the resulting Will can be used in England (including Isles of Scilly and Isle of Wight) and Wales.
Mind has paid a discounted rate on a limited number of wills, which we offer to our supporters for free. Simple wills, or simple mirror wills for you and a partner, are free within the offer.
1. Allow a couple of weeks from registering for your pack to arrive in the mail. Your pack will include a list of solicitors near you taking part.
2. You have 3 months to contact your chosen solicitor and make an appointment. You should explain you're being referred by the Free Wills Network offer with Mind.
3. During your will making appointment, the solicitor will work with you to make or update your will. You will be in control.
4. On concluding your will, you must complete a confidential declaration form. This helps the payment process.
Once you’ve completed your registration on the Mind website, you will be directed to the Farewill website where you can enter your unique voucher code from Mind. This will allow you to write a free simple will.
Farewill’s will-writing form asks customers for their consent for the details of any wills which include a gift to Mind to be shared with us. This is so that we can thank our supporters for leaving such a special gift to us. This data is shared securely with Mind and no other third parties.
Farewill’s form also contains a question asking customers for consent to future marketing communications from Mind by post, phone and email. Anyone who completes the form on Farewill’s website will already have completed the Free Wills Service registration form on Mind’s website which also asks for consent to send supporters future marketing communications.
Mind’s form provides more information about the types of communication people can expect to receive from us along with a link to our Privacy Policy which means that it complies with the requirements of the UK GDPR. We do not keep a record of the marketing consent collected by Farewill on our behalf.
You can update your communication preferences at any time by emailing [email protected] or calling 0208 215 2243.
Regulations and important information
The National Free Wills Network conforms to Law Society, Charity Commission and Institute of Fundraising regulations.
All solicitors working with the National Free Wills Network are independent professionals. They will give you impartial and confidential advice.
All network solicitors are members of their relevant law society.
Participation of a firm of solicitors in the network does not imply an endorsement by Mind.
The services offered by Co-op Legal Services are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
Farewill are not a law firm and are not registered or regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Wills are checked before finalising by a Wills Specialist or Customer Experience Specialist, who have received training prepared by solicitors in Farewill’s Legal Team
Farewill voucher codes are non-transferable, non-refundable, cannot be resold or otherwise exchanged for cash, are subject to fair usage. A voucher code does not automatically entitle you to access Farewill’s services as use of their service always remains subject to these terms. A valid voucher code can be used by inputting the voucher code details during the sales process. The voucher code must be redeemed prior to you paying for the service. Only one voucher can be used per sale. Farewill does not offer complex will-writing services and therefore only simple wills are available free using a Mind voucher code.
Farewill’s Terms & Conditions can be found on their website.
Answers on the Free Wills Month promotion
Free Wills Month takes place in certain areas of the country only. You can find out where our latest offer will be taking place on our Free Wills Month page.
If you live outside the area where our promotion is taking place, you may be able to register for our ongoing free will offer.
The Free Wills Month promotion is for people over 55. If you're making or updating a joint will with a partner, only one person needs to be over 55.
1. Visit the Free Wills Month website .
2. Enter your postcode, and any other information needed.
3. You'll see a list of available solicitors near you. You can then contact any of them to arrange your will.
You do not have to include a gift to Mind, or any charity, when you make or update your will using this offer. All we ask is that when you make or update your will, you consider if you could include a gift to Mind.
A gift of any value makes a difference, and helps us make sure that no one faces a mental health problem alone.
The Free Wills Month promotion is intended for those over 55. If you are making or updating a joint will with a partner, only one person need be 55 or over.
Our Free Wills Offers with the National Free Wills Network and Co-op Legal Services have no age restrictions.
Yes. One registration can be used for you and your partner. Many partners make joint wills, sometimes known as mirror wills, which are very similar. Simply register once in your name and let your solicitor know you are interested in a joint will.
Yes. Our offer covers a simple will. More extensive work, for example a trust fund in your will, may cost extra. Please make your needs clear to your chosen solicitor when arranging your appointment. You can then talk through costs for any extra work.
Mind is one of a number of charities that are part of this promotion. The campaign is run by our partners, Free Wills Month, who operate the campaign on behalf of the charities taking part.
Terms and Conditions apply. See the Free Wills Month website for details.