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Virtual training courses

Our virtual training offers the perfect opportunity for managers and employees to improve their understanding of mental health. On this page, you'll find all the virtual courses we offer.

How do virtual training courses work?

Virtual training courses last half a day and take part on Zoom. Sometimes we can offer training using other online platforms.

Courses can hold up to 16 people.

How much do courses cost?

A half-day virtual training course costs £1,300 for up to 16 people. We have subsidised rates for statutory bodies and registered charities.

How do I sign up?

Get in touch with our team to sign up for a course or to find out more.

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What virtual training courses do you offer?

We have training courses on the following topics. Click the links to read more about what each course involves.

Mental health awareness

Who is the course for?

Mental health awareness is an introductory course for all employees. Use it as part of your induction programme or any mental health activities focused on better mental health at work.

How long does it last?

The course lasts 4 hours.

What are the course aims?

The course aims to:

  • Raise awareness of mental health and how it can vary
  • Outline different mental health problems
  • Share tips for supporting people
  • Explore how mental health and wellbeing interact with daily life
  • Highlight stigma and discrimination, and how to tackle them
  • Share tips on how to have supportive conversations about mental
  • Give sources of support and information

What does the course cover?

This course covers:

  • What mental health means to you
  • Stigma – how can stigma affect our mental health, how can we tackle stigma
  • Stress – stress versus pressure, dealing with pressure, managing stress, resilience
  • Introduction to mental health – what are mental health problems, mental health and mental wellbeing, what is depression, what causes depression, what is anxiety, what causes anxiety
  • Other mental health problems – schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, PTSD, eating disorders, OCD
  • Suicide – who can be at risk, how to help someone feeling suicidal, if someone needs help urgently, looking after yourself
  • Empathy – what is empathy and why is it important
  • Mental health and life – 5 ways to wellbeing
  • Sources of support – support at work, how Mind can help

Managing mental health at work

Who is the course for?

Managing mental health at work aims to support managers and is designed to complement our Mental health awareness course. The course emphasises the importance of looking after your and your employees' mental health, and will build your confidence in supporting employees.

How long does it last?

The course lasts 4 hours.

What are the course aims?

The course aims to: 

  • Raise awareness of mental health and how it can vary
  • Build understanding of different mental health problems
  • Outline managerial role in building positive and supportive cultures at
  • Explore how to build resilience and support people in the workplace
  • Build skills to look after yourself while supporting others
  • Give sources of support and information

What does the course cover?

This course covers:

  • Introduction to mental health – what are mental health problems, the continuum of mental health and mental wellbeing, the business case, how has coronavirus affected our work
  • Stigma – how can stigma affect our mental health, how can we tackle stigma
  • Stress – what is stress, stress versus pressure
  • Depression – what is depression, what are the signs of depression
  • Anxiety – what does anxiety feel like, behaviours and physical signs, supporting someone
  • Suicide – who can be at risk, how to help someone feeling suicidal, if someone needs help urgently, looking after yourself
  • Offering support at work – having conversations, creating a framework, Wellness Action Plans and how to embed them at work and use them with your team, best practice for 121s, sources of support, supporting remote and home workers
  • Mental health and performance – how can poor mental health affect us, supporting people in performance management conversations
  • The law and reasonable adjustments – mental health and the law, your legal duty, supporting someone returning to work, taking stock of wellbeing

Mental health and how to support someone

Who is this course for?

Mental health and how to support someone helps you to develop an understanding of mental health, so you can support employees or team members. We give practical guidance and tools to develop your confidence when supporting someone else and tips for looking after your own mental health and wellbeing.

How long does it last?

The course lasts 4 hours. 

What are the course aims?

The course aims to:

  • Raise awareness and understanding of mental health and how it
    can vary
  • Outline experiences of different mental health problems
  • Give practical guidance and tools for supporting people
  • Share information and practical tips for supporting people
  • Build skills to look after ourselves when supporting others
  • Increase confidence in having supportive conversations about
    mental health

What does the course cover?

This course covers:

  • Introduction to mental health – what are mental health problems, the continuum of mental health and mental wellbeing
  • Stigma – how can stigma affect our mental health, how can we tackle stigma
  • Stress – what is stress, stress versus pressure, supporting someone with stress
  • Depression – what is depression, what are the signs of depression, supporting someone with depression
  • Anxiety – what causes anxiety, what does anxiety feel like, supporting someone with anxiety
  • Other mental health problems – schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, PTSD, eating disorders, OCD
  • Suicide – who can be at risk, how to help someone feeling suicidal, if someone needs help urgently, looking after yourself
  • How to support someone with a mental health problem – helpful approaches for supporting others, active listening, empathy, having conversations, supporting conversations, supporting someone to get help
  • Sources of support
  • Looking after yourself while supporting someone – your role in supporting a colleague, setting healthy boundaries, looking after yourself

Customer support and mental health

Who is this course for?

This course outlines how mental health problems can impact us and our customers. We'll develop your understanding of how to respond to and support your customers. We'll also equip you with helpful approaches to cope with challenging situations.

How long does it last?

This course lasts 4 hours.

What are the course aims?

The course aims to:

  • Raise awareness of mental health and how it can vary
  • Explain how mental health problems can impact us and our
  • Understand how best to respond to and support your customers
  • Build skills to look after your mental health and wellbeing at work
  • Share practical tips for supporting people
  • Give sources of support and information

What does the course cover?

This course covers:

  • What does mental health mean to you – what are mental health problems, the continuum of mental health and mental wellbeing
  • Mental health problems – stress versus pressure, anxiety and depression
  • Suicide – who can be at risk, how to help someone feeling suicidal, if someone needs help urgently, looking after yourself, processes in place
  • Mental health and customer support – what is meant by vulnerable, customer vulnerability in the UK, how can people be at risk, relationship between money and mental health, signs a customer may need support
  • Supporting someone experiencing a mental health problem – how to support someone, active listening, LEGS, empathy
  • How can we respond to customer needs – facing challenging situations, helpful boundaries, scenarios and roleplays, looking after yourself

Virtual training courses for smaller companies

For individuals or small employers we offer public access courses on the following topics:

  • Mental health awareness
  • Managing mental health at work
  • Mental health and how to support someone
  • Customer support and mental health

These courses are for up to 2 attendees from the same organisation. 

These training sessions take place on Zoom and cost £200 plus VAT per person. 

Book a public access course

Ready to book a course?

Get in touch with our team to book a course or to get more information.

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