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Mind responds to the second reading of the Mental Health Bill

Monday, 25 November 2024 Mind

Ahead of the second reading of the Mental Health Bill in the House of Lords, Dr Sarah Hughes, Chief Executive of Mind, has spoken out about the changes that need to be made.

Dr Hughes said:

“The Mental Health Bill brings us a step closer to a more progressive mental health system for the 50,000 people sectioned each year. But there are still unanswered questions about whether it will deliver the radical change the mental health system needs.

“Right now, the Bill only scratches the surface of addressing the systemic racism the Act currently enables. Those of us from racialised communities are still disproportionately likely to be sectioned and subject to restrictions under the act, and this shames us all.

“We also need to see more support for the nearly 1000 young people detained under the Mental Health Act each year and give them a greater say in their treatment. As it stands, young people will be denied many of the rights and safeguards the legislation adults will be able to access. This must change.

“However, we cannot simply legislate our way out of the mental health crisis. The Bill must be accompanied with proper funding and additional resources to deliver the transformation the nation’s mental health so desperately needs.”

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