What does Mind do in Wales?
Mind Cymru is Mind in Wales. We make sure everyone in Wales has access to the mental health information, support and services they need. We are here to make sure no-one in Wales faces a mental health problem alone.
The Big Mental Health Report 2024
The Big Mental Health Report is for anyone looking for trusted information on how mental health problems affect people in England and Wales.
We campaign to get a better deal for people in Wales. See what campaigns we're running, and how you can get involved.
Bilingual information
We offer mental health information in Welsh and English so you can find support in your language of choice.
Local Minds in Wales
We have 16 local Minds across Wales, supporting around 36,000 people. Find out how your local Mind can support you.
Where can I get mental health support in Wales?
There are 16 local Minds in Wales. Each local Mind is different, but they all offer mental health services tailored to their local community.
How is Mind Cymru governed?
In Wales, we set our own agenda and prioritise campaigns and projects that are important to people who live here.
We're governed by Pwyllgor, a committee of volunteers who help shape our direction and make sure we're on the right track.
How can Mind support me in Welsh?
As well as providing our most popular mental health information in Welsh, we’re striving to be a better charity for Welsh speakers by having more Welsh speaking staff.
Find out what we’re doing to support you in Welsh.
Latest stories from Wales
Read the latest stories from Wales. Our bloggers share their experiences of living with a mental health problem, or working in mental health.
Why I walked 6,600 miles for Mind
James, from North Wales, explains how his mammoth mission of walking the coast of Great Britain led him to making friends, saving a life, and finding love.
Why I’m encouraging men to take five for their mental health
Louis, from Newport, explains why he thinks men could benefit from making time for their wellbeing every day.
Why I think men should talk more about their mental health
After losing his brother to suicide, Callum wants to encourage other young men to talk.
Mind Cymru partnerships and collaborations
Mind Cymru works with many other organisations.
Partnerships help us to change minds and work for better mental health for everyone. We work with:
- Time to Change Wales – this partnership with Adferiad campaigns to end mental health stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health problems.
- The Stroke Association - we’re working with the Stroke Association and stroke survivors, to develop a new mental health service for people who have experienced stroke. > Read our report.
- Welsh Athletics - Together we're supporting the mental health of Wales' running community. > Read our launch press release
- The Wales Alliance for Mental Health (WAMH) is a collaboration of Wales’ national mental health and suicide and self-harm charities. Together, we are committed to ensuring people experiencing mental ill health in Wales are treated with compassion, have their voices heard and can access support services quickly and as close to home as possible. The Alliance comprises: Adferiad, Diverse Cymru, Mental Health Matters, Mental Health Foundation, Mind Cymru, Papyrus UK: Prevention of Young Suicide, Platfform and Samaritans Cymru. For more information about WAMH, please contact Nia Sinclair on [email protected] .