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No London mind left behind: Our strategy 2024–2027

Who we are

Established for over a decade, Mind in London is a collaborative of London local Minds, who deliver dynamic and award-winning mental health services across London.  We work at the heart of our diverse and vibrant communities, ensuring the support we offer reflects the needs of the people we serve.

Individually, London local Minds deliver within their boroughs, through regional partnerships they work operationally across Integrated Care System and local authority footprints, and as Mind in London they can deliver services pan-London.

Mind in London offers a network of knowledge and expertise, acting as one voice on issues that effect Londoners, delivering innovative services, and works with a proactive and passionate lived experience group.

54,136 unique service users

5761 employees

743 trustees

About £1.5m median local Mind income

About £40m combined Mind in London income

189,186 volunteers, producing about £2.5m financial contribution

Why does Mind in London need a strategy?

As local Minds, we see the impact of poor mental health on Londoners every day. We work closely with our diverse local communities to offer accessible mental health support that works for them.

But we’re seeing the demand for support rise as inequality grows, the cost-of-living crisis continues and budgets for crucial services are cut. For many people with a mental health problem, London is becoming a harsher place to live, particularly for our communities who are under-served by mental health services and less likely to seek support from the NHS, and our children and young people (with 1 in 5 young people now living with a probable mental disorder). But it doesn’t have to be this way

Mind in London is a collaborative of local London Minds working in partnership to improve the mental health and wellbeing of Londoners. As experts in mental health and established commissioned service providers, our local Minds are trusted community partners with grassroots connections. We recognise that collectively our reach is wider, and our voice is louder, and we have a responsibility to use these strengths to fight for better mental health in London. We’re developing this strategy to empower Londoners living with a mental health problem, challenge stigma and inequalities, and deliver real change through influencing policy and pushing for innovation.

Guided by lived experience

In developing this strategy, Mind in London has been guided and informed by the expertise of our Lived Experience Advisory Group – made up of 11 people, from across all 5 of the London Integrated Care System footprints, who have experience of living with a mental health problem and using services.

They told us that:

  • We need culturally appropriate and competent services
  • People are craving a sense of community
  • Waiting times are too long
  • Labels and stigma are as prevalent as ever
  • Consistency and stability of services matters

Our strategic ambitions

Informed by our Lived Experience Advisory Group, in collaboration with the local Minds that form the Mind in London partnership, we’ve identified 5 strategic ambitions – working to effect positive change and innovation throughout the mental health landscape of London.

Our ambitions are focused on:

Vision and identity

What will we do?

We will solidify our presence and influence throughout London by leaning into our combined strengths and shared expertise. Local Minds are local experts with grassroots connections – responding to the needs of their diverse communities.

We will continue to offer, and fight for, equity of access and engagement to high quality, holistic and person-centred services.

We recognise that together we are greater than the sum of our parts and we will work to strengthen our relationships, locally, regionally and nationally.

Collectively, as Mind in London, we will speak as one voice: we listen, we act, we collaborate.

How will we achieve this?

  • We will update the Mind in London vision statement, strengthening our message and purpose
  • We will review our governance processes to ensure the collaborative is working in the most efficient way possible, maximising our impact and resources to get the best outcomes for Londoners living with a mental health problem
  • We will continue to demonstrate our collective impact in fresh and innovative ways, to shine a light on what our communities can achieve with the right support
  • We will communicate – locally, regionally and nationally – acting on what people with lived experience tell us and working to effect positive change throughout mental health services


What will we do?

We will continue to influence at both a local and regional level. Informed by people with lived experience, forming collective views through surveys, research and continuing engagement with our communities to drive change and improve services.

We will work towards becoming a true strategic partner of statutory systems, working to improve the diversity and inclusiveness of mental health policy and services, addressing the social determinants that impact mental health, and encouraging a more social, person-centred and community focused approach to improve the mental health and wellbeing of all Londoners.

We will champion people with lived experience and their role in statutory systems, encouraging (and where appropriate facilitating) participation from lived experience groups.

How will we achieve this?

  • We will work to ensure people with lived experience are able to contribute meaningfully at a strategic system level
  • We will conduct a stakeholder mapping exercise and engagement plan, so that we continue to have the greatest impact in effecting service and policy improvements
  • We will review our data collation and reporting, identifying strengths and gaps, and demonstrating regional reach
  • We will identify mental health delivery gaps, in partnership with people with lived experience, and consider what the solutions are

Service delivery and development

What will we do?

We will work to ensure that there are effective services offered throughout London, utilising our shared track record, expertise, and reach to achieve this.

To ensure sustainable and truly accessible services, we will use the strength of the collaborative, shaped by our local knowledge, to deliver support to people in the most effective way.

We will work flexibly and in partnership to meet the needs of the communities we support, identifying and developing services and models across London, looking to improve visibility, accessibility, and impact.

How will we achieve this?

  • We will undertake research on open access to services, ensuring people don’t fall through the gaps
  • We will identify and develop models that have the potential to be delivered pan-London
  • We will continue to work with people with lived experience when taking strategic decisions around Mind in London service delivery and development, and be guided and informed by their expertise
  • We will strengthen regional partnerships, ensuring people have access to the most appropriate services when they need them

Lived experience

What will we do?

We will be informed by the lived experience of Londoners and reflective of the communities we serve. This will embody everything we do. We will empower people with lived experience to fight stigma, lead the change and be part of our strategic decision-making processes to challenge and inform the system.

We will work collaboratively with people with lived experience as equal partners, to help us optimise service design and shine a light on inequity, intersectionality, and the socio-economic challenges being faced.

We will trust people with lived experience to identify where there are gaps in mental health support and take their lead on what action we need to take to address these gaps. We will consider with sensitivity how people share their story.

How will we achieve this?

  • We will draft a declaration about lived experience, defining what we mean by lived experience and how we plan to share best practice and promote meaningful inclusion of people with lived experience in policy and service development
  • We will create closer links throughout our local Mind’s lived experience network and work to ensure greater involvement with Mind in London
  • We will continue to work with our Lived Experience Advisory Group, on projects identified by the group as well as inclusion in delivering our strategic aims
  • We will offer visibility and a platform for our lived experience group to talk about the issues that matter to them (through blogs, webpages and active participation in working groups)

Working with national Mind

What will we do?

Our strategy is developing against the backdrop of a refreshed strategic direction for our colleagues at national Mind, which has introduced the idea of ‘federation first’ – this is defined as a collaboration between national Mind, the local Mind network, and Mind Retail, making the federation the starting point for decision making and planning. It’s a commitment to actively engage and work together as equal partners and it’s a belief that through unity and stronger alignment we can increase our influence and reach.

As Mind in London, we will work innovatively with Mind, Mind Retail, Mind Cymru and local Minds across England and Wales. And we will embody the values and behaviours agreed with our colleagues at Mind, acting as an innovator for ‘federation first’.

How will we achieve this?

  • We will work closely with Mind retail, and explore opportunities for more partnership working
  • We will work in partnership and collaboration with Mind, employing the same values and behaviours and acting as a ‘federation first’ enabler
  • We will support and facilitate regional pilots on innovation and sustainability projects
  • We will support a collective impact review at a local, regional and national level


Lucy Dodd
Strategic Lead for Mind in London
07385 466667
[email protected]

Lynette Charles
Chair of Mind in London
0208 3402474
[email protected]

Download the strategy as a PDF

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