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Every London Voice

Your experiences of London mental health services

We are the Mind in London Lived Experience Advisory Group. We know what it’s like to live with a mental health problem. Everyone’s mental health is important, and no one should miss out when it comes to getting access to and using services.

We want to hear about your experiences of how health inequality impacts you and your ideas for how things could be better, by taking part in our health inequality survey – Every London Voice.

Take part in the survey

But sometimes we don’t get what we need. Our ethnicity, age or religion, gender or sexual orientation, or our financial status can have an impact on the type of mental health service we receive. This is a health inequality, and it means that our mental health can be worse because we’re not getting the right type of support when we need it.

We’re tired of these health inequalities, and we need your help to fight for change.

We will use the information gathered through this survey to inform the decision makers who are in charge of services across London, to act for change and to make services work better for all Londoners. This expands on the work we did outlining health equity as a key priority in our recent Mind in London mayoral election manifesto, to ensure there is no London Mind left behind.

How to take part

You can complete the survey online.

You can attend a focus group at your local Mind.

You can email us your thoughts or share your own experiences by contacting [email protected]

You can download our survey form to complete and drop it into your local Mind or post it to:

Mind in London
C/O Lucy Dodd
2 Redman Place
London, E20 1JQ

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