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Support when our Infoline is closed

If you need to talk right now

Mind Infoline is open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays). We're closed outside of these hours.

But there are people you can talk to any time:

These services are for anyone who's struggling.

They won't judge you.

They're free, they're anonymous, and they're always open.

Our page of helplines and listening lines has more numbers to try. 

If you need information right now

For urgent medical advice out of hours you can contact:

Or if you can wait a short while, please call Mind Infoline when we're open:

0300 123 3393

We can help you find support near you. See more information about our helpline service, including other ways to reach us.

We also have lots of resources on our website. You might find some quick information in our mental health A-Z.

Do you need some urgent coping tools?

We have some crisis resources that you can use right away, by yourself, wherever you are.

Get crisis coping tools

If you feel unable to keep yourself safe, it's a mental health emergency.

Get emergency advice

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