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Soaps and Continuing Series - Mind Media Awards 2016 Winner

River City, BBC Scotland

Fifteen year old Drew is hurt and confused at his mother's refusal to reveal any information about his father, and begins to self-harm. As Drew's self-harm intensifies and a local doctor gets involved, Caitlin finally realises how much knowing who his father is means to Drew. With his family's support, Drew's journey towards healing begins.

"Brilliantly portrayed. It was very accurate in showing the shame and stigma that you feel and experience. It showed the wider impact on families. The mum's reaction was very real – 'why are you doing this to me' (about her son's self-harm). It highlighted the guilt and shame felt by the sufferer."

- Judge's comment

With thanks

Mind and the award judges would like to give special thanks to the other entrants:

Pobol y Cwm, S4C

Ffion is a recovering alcoholic whose tempestuous relationship with Gethin results in her drinking excessively again, putting her job as a teacher and her young daughter at risk. With the help of her friends, and Gethin, Ffion manages to overcome her alcoholism once more.

EastEnders, BBC One

Lacey Turner's character Stacey, who has experience of bipolar disorder, gives birth to Arthur, and we follow her moving journey as she exhibits symptoms of postpartum psychosis, experiencing hallucinations and believing that someone is trying to take Arthur away. Find out more about Stacey's story.

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