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Tips to improve your sleep

If you experience sleep problems, there are some ideas you can try.

Remember that different things work at different times. So only try what you feel comfortable with, and don't put too much pressure on yourself. 

Visit our page on sleep and mental health to learn how sleep problems can affect how you feel. And how mental health problems can make it harder to sleep.

Try to establish a routine

It could help to establish a regular sleeping routine and good sleeping habits. You might need to try different things to find what works for you. 

You could try going to bed and waking up at around the same time every day. Or it might help to go to bed only once you feel ready to sleep, but still get up around the same time.

It may also help to do something relaxing just before you go to bed. For example, you could listen to relaxing music. 

You might hear some people use the term 'sleep hygiene'. This may include some doctors. This term means having a good routine around your sleep.

Tips for parents and carers

If you're a parent or carer, it might be harder to have a set routine for sleeping. These pages have information that may help:

I only go to bed when I feel like I will fall asleep within about 15 minutes or so, no matter what time of night that is, and then I try to get up at the same time every day.

Don't force yourself to sleep

If you're struggling to get to sleep, try not to force yourself. 

Instead, try doing something relaxing in bed. Or get up and do something calming, until you feel tired. 

Find ways to relax

If you experience lots of stress, this could affect how well you sleep. Finding ways to relax could help with this. 

Our information on relaxation includes lots of tips and exercises you could try. For example, breathing exercises and meditation. 

A nicely made bed helps. If I’m having an awful day, and the only thing I’ve managed to find the energy to do is make my bed, then that’s OK.

Fill in a sleep diary

You may find it difficult to work out what's affecting your sleep. A sleep diary involves recording information about your sleep habits. This can help you understand your sleep problem and what's affecting it.

If you want to, you can show your sleep diary to healthcare professionals. It could help explain what problems you're having. For example, you could take it with you to a doctor's appointment.

A sleep diary could include information about:

  • What time you went to bed and what time you got up
  • How long you slept for
  • How well you slept, which you could rank on a scale or use pictures or words to describe
  • How many times you woke up in the night, how long you were awake and what you did while you were awake
  • Whether you had nightmares, night terrors or sleep paralysis, or sleepwalked during the night
  • Whether you slept during the day and for how long
  • Any medication you're taking, including the dose and what time you take it
  • The amount of caffeine, alcohol or nicotine you have, and at what time of day
  • The amount of physical activity you do, and at what time of day
  • Your general feelings and moods, including any anxious or repetitive thoughts

You should keep your sleep diary for at least two weeks. It's ok if you don't know the answers to everything. You can make a guess, or leave sections blank. 

The Sleep Charity has a sleep diary template that you could try. 

I write what's happened, what did or didn't help, anything I need to or scribble to let out anger when the words and the tears are stuck.

Make your sleeping area more comfortable

You might not have much control over where you sleep. For example, if you're staying in hospital or temporary accommodation. But there might still be small changes you can make, or ask someone to help you with. 

These are some ideas you could try:

  • Try different temperature, light and noise levels to see what works for you. For example, you could try keeping a light on or using earplugs. 
  • If silence makes it harder to sleep, listen to music, nature sounds, a podcast or the radio.
  • You might find it helpful to try different bedding. For example, a warmer or cooler duvet, or a different pillow.

Sometimes when I'm trying to fall asleep I don't like being alone with my thoughts. I have found podcasts an amazing comfort – it just keeps my mind occupied enough not to start spiralling, and to fall asleep.

Think about screens and device settings

Using screens in the evening, including on tablets and mobile phones, can negatively affect your sleep.

It can help to think about when and how you use screens. For example, you could try to:

  • Avoid or cut down on using screens shortly before sleep
  • Reduce the brightness of any screen you use
  • Avoid stimulating activities before going to sleep, such as playing games on a screen
  • Reduce distractions by switching on silent, airplane or do not disturb mode, if you can

Reminding myself that a bad night of sleep won't make or break me (because I can make it through, even if it sucks) has helped a lot to allay stress and anxiety about sleep.

Look after yourself

Looking after your physical health can help improve your sleep. These are some tips that might help.

Think about your diet

Some types of foods can affect your sleep, including caffeine and sugar. It can also help to avoid eating large meals right before going to bed. Our pages on food and mental health have more information.

Try to do some physical activity

Physical activity can help you sleep, including gentle physical activity. But try not to do this too close to when you want to sleep. Some people find this makes them feel more awake. 

Our pages on physical activity and mental health have tips for how to get active. 

Mental health apps

There are lots of wellbeing apps out there. Some could help you feel calmer, and help manage difficult symptoms.

But it's hard to know which ones are worth trying. So we've created the Mind app library where you can find safe, trustworthy apps.

Explore mental health apps

Find support for connected issues

Finding support for your mental health could help with your sleep problems. Our pages on seeking help for a mental health problem have information on where to start. 

Some medication, including psychiatric medication, can affect your sleep. If you're taking any type of medication and having problems with your sleep, talk to your doctor or a pharmacist.

Getting support for anything you're struggling with could also help to improve your sleep. We have information that can help with:

Mental health support during the night

If you're awake at night and you need support with difficult feelings or worries, here are some options that are available 24/7.

Our page on mental health helplines has more options for getting support, including their opening hours.

How I learnt to sleep again

Every night I’d crash, utterly exhausted by 10pm only to snap awake in the small hours

Treatment to help with sleep problems

If you're struggling with your sleep, you could speak to your GP for help. They may be able to offer treatments for things that can affect your sleep, including mental health problems. 

They'll probably recommend ways to improve your sleep quality without treatment. But if those don't work, then they might suggest these treatments. 

Talking therapies

Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is a type of therapy designed to help with insomnia. If you access CBT-I through the NHS, it is most likely to happen online. But in some areas of the UK it might be available in person.

You may also be offered talking therapy to help with mental health problems that are affecting your sleep. See our pages on talking therapy and counselling for more information.


In some cases, your GP might offer sleeping pills for a short period. But this is usually only if you have severe problems with insomnia.

There are also medications that can help with other sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy or sleep apnoea. You can speak to your GP about this. 

Referral to a sleep clinic

Sleep clinics can assess sleep problems. This could be by using equipment at home or staying overnight for an assessment. To access a sleep clinic, you'll usually need a referral from your GP.

See more on sleep problems

Sleep and mental health

– Tips to improve your sleep

Published: December 2024

Next review planned: December 2027

References and bibliography available on request.

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