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Facts and figures about racism and mental health

Here are some facts and figures that show the mental health inequalities faced by those of us from racialised communities.

Our research

Last year, we did a piece of research with people from racialised communities to find out about their experiences of mental health support. We also wanted to know how we can offer better help and support in the future.

Working with a research partner, we spoke to hundreds of people from racialised communities with lived experience of a mental health problem.

The research gave us lots of valuable insights which we used to create our plan of becoming an anti-racist organisation.

Some of the key findings were:

  • 1-size fits all is a myth. Different groups have different needs. And those of us from racialised communities really want support that lasts - support that treats us as a true individual.

  • People look for support outside of the system. The language around mental health puts people off. And many people are tired of explaining what they’ve been through to professionals. It means many anticipate racism in the system that’s supposed to be helping them.

  • People know about Mind – but they’re unsure about us. Instead, social media tends to be where people go for information. There’s a lot of scepticism about how committed we really are to anti-racism too.

  • They want us to give power to communities. A lot of people told us they want Mind to work with organisations led by racialised groups. That means signposting and funding them.

Key findings in numbers

As part of this research, over 500 people from different racialised communities took part in a survey.

The full report has more information about what we found.

Read the full report

The Unmistakables scoping research survey for Mind

The Unmistakables scoping research survey for Mind

The Unmistakables scoping research survey for Mind

Fact and figures from other studies

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NHS Digital (2016) Mental Health and Wellbeing in England, Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014 England

Despite higher prevalence, Black adults have the lowest mental health treatment rate of any ethnic group, at 6% (compared to 13% in the White British group). 


 NHS Digital (2016) Mental Health and Wellbeing in England, Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014  England

Evidence suggests that people from Black Asian and Minority Ethnic communities are at higher risk of developing a mental health problem in adulthood. But they’re less likely to receive support for their mental health.

NHS Digital (2016) Mental Health and Wellbeing in England, Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014, England

People from Black communities are more likely than average to experience a common mental health problem in any given week. 

Percentage experiencing a common mental health problem in the last week by ethnicity:    

  • White British - 17% 
  • White Other - 14% 
  • Black and Black British - 23% 
  • Asian and Asian British - 18% 
  • Mixed and other - 20%"     
NHS Digital (2016) Mental Health and Wellbeing in England, Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014 England


Black men are more likely to experience symptoms of psychosis than other ethnic groups (3.2% compared to 0.3% of White men and 1.3% of Asian men - using combined 2007 and 2014 data.) There is no significant variation by ethnic group among women.


NHS Digital (2016) Mental Health and Wellbeing in England, Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014 England

8% of Black or Black British adults have symptoms relating to post-traumatic stress disorder compared with 4% of their White British counterparts.   

Centre for Mental Health (2017) Against the odds: Evaluation of the Mind Birmingham Up My Street Programme UK

Boys from African and Caribbean communities in the UK have lower levels of mental health problems at age 11 compared to White or mixed heritage boys. 

However, national data shows that African and Caribbean men in the UK are much more likely to develop some types of mental health problem during adulthood. For example, symptoms relating to schizophrenia, and to a lesser extent post-traumatic stress disorder. This does not occur in countries with a predominantly Black population. It appears to be an environmental risk related to experiences in northern Europe and the United States.   

Care Quality Commission (2010). Count me in 2010: results of the 2010 national census of inpatients and patients on supervised community treatment in mental health and learning disability services in England and Wales


Black people are more likely to access treatment through a police or criminal justice route. Black and mixed Black groups are between 20% and 83% more likely to be referred from the criminal justice system than average.

 NHS Digital (2021) 'Mental Health Act Statistics, Annual Figures 2020-21'

A disproportionate number of people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities are detained under the Mental Health Act. Rates of detention for Black or Black British groups are over 4 times those of White groups. Community Treatment Orders for Black or Black British groups are over 10 times those of White groups.

NHS Digital (2021) 'Mental Health Act Statistics, Annual Figures 2020-21'

Black people are more likely to be detained more than once.

NHS Digital (2021) 'Mental Health Act Statistics, Annual Figures 2020-21'


Black people are more than 4 times more likely to be the subject of ‘restrictive interventions’ such as being restrained or held in isolation while in hospital.

NHS Digital (2016) Mental Health and Wellbeing in England, Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014 England

Black and Black British women are more likely to experience a common mental health problem (29%) compared to White British women (21%) and non-British White women (16%). 

NHS Digital (2016) Mental Health and Wellbeing in England, Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014 UK

People from Black and Minority Ethnic groups living in the UK are more likely to:  

  • Be diagnosed with a psychotic disorder. However no difference was found in the latest Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey between Asian people and their White British counterparts in terms of experiencing psychotic disorders or common mental health problems.
  • Seek help in a crisis situation and in A&E.
  • Be admitted to hospital with a mental health problem.
  • Experience a poor outcome from treatment.
  • Disengage from mainstream mental health services.     
Edbrooke-Childs, J. and Patalay, P. (2019) Ethnic Differences in Referral Routes to Youth Mental Health Services UK


A recent study of nearly 15,000 young people accessing mental health services found that young people from Minority Ethnic backgrounds were more likely to be referred to mental health services through routes such as youth justice and social services, than they were through perceived ‘voluntary’ routes such as primary care.  


Synergi Collaborative Centre (March 2018). ‘The impact of racism on mental health, briefing paper’.


Experiences of racism has been linked to increased likelihood of developing depression; hallucinations and delusions; and if physical assault is involved, post-traumatic stress

McManus, S., Bebbington, P., Jenkins, R. and Brugha, T. (2016) Mental health and wellbeing in England. Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014, Leeds: Health and Social Care Information Centre 

Saville, C. (2021) Health and Mental Health Disparities Between National Identity Groups in Wales. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities

Madden, H., Harris, J., Harrison, B., Timpson, H. (2014) A Targeted Health Needs Assessment of the Eastern European Population in Warrington. Centre for Public Health. 


More Asian and British Asian adults screened positive for PTSD compared to their White counterparts.

McManus, S., Bebbington, P., Jenkins, R. and Brugha, T. (2016) Mental health and wellbeing in England. Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014, Leeds: Health and Social Care Information Centre

Bignall, T., Jeraj, S., Helsby, E., and Butt, J. (2019): Racial disparities in mental health: literature and evidence review. Race Equality Foundation.

Morgan, C, Fearon, P, Lappin, J, Heslin, M, Ethnicity and longterm course and outcome of psychotic disorders in a UK sample: The ÆSOP10 study 

NHS Digital, 2016, Psychological Therapies: Annual report on the use of IAPT services England, 201516


Asian or Asian British-Pakistani men had the lowest recovery rates for IAPT talking therapies.

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