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How we raise and spend our money

We rely on donations. And we're grateful to everyone who donates money to us. It's important that our supporters know that we're spending our money wisely. That's why we want to be open about how we're funded and managed.

How we raise our money

We’re hugely grateful for the generosity of the public, companies and other funders. In 2022 - 2023, you helped us raise £42.6m. This means we can keep fighting for support for people with mental health problems.

Our money comes from lots of different places. We make sure we don't rely on one source of funding. This means we can be entirely independent.

Our shops

We raised £22.8 million through sales in our shops. We used £16.5 million to cover the costs of running the shops. These costs included rent, bills and salaries.

We used the profits from our shops as unrestricted income to support our work. Unrestricted income is money we can use for any purpose.

How we spend our money

We spend 83p in every pound supporting people with mental health problems. The rest goes towards running the organisation, including generating funds and planning for the future.

Overall, we spent £56m in 2022 - 2023. This is on top of the £16.5m we spent on running 158 shops.

Of this £56m, we used £46.3m to directly support and advocate for people with mental health problems.

Find out more by reading our annual report and accounts for 2022 to 2023.

The difference between the money we raised and the money we spent

Our income for 2022 - 2023

Of our total income of £42.6 million:

  • £10.9m (26%) came from challenge events
  • £4.3m (10%) came from grants given to us by governments, trusts, foundations and other bodies
  • £12.8m (30%) came from donations
  • £6.2m (15%) was profit from shop sales and other income
  • £5.6m (13%) came from legacies
  • £2.8m (6%) came from fees and other income

What we spent in 2022 - 2023

We spent £56 million. Of this:

  • £5.6m (10%) was spent on connecting minds
  • £13.2m (24%) was spent on supporting minds
  • £6.1m (11%) was spent on changing minds
  • £21.5m (38%) was spent on together, we are Mind
  • £9.3m (17%) was expenditure on raising donations, legacies, events and organisational development

Where to learn more

We want to be open and clear about how we raise and spend our money. Email us at [email protected] if you have questions or concerns and we'll try our best to answer them!

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