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How to get help and support – for 11-18 year olds

Information and resources to guide you through getting support for your mental health.

How we can help

Whatever you're experiencing, it's important to know that you're not alone and you deserve support.

Our information pages will explain the different ways you can get help and support for your mental health.

We cover topics like finding support for the first time, CAMHS and being in hospital.

It's important to remember that people do care, and they do want to help you.

Opening up about your mental health

A guide on opening up about how you're feeling or what you're experiencing.

Getting ready to open up

A guide on how to open up about your mental health, with tips on how to feel prepared and know what to say.

Finding support

Information about the different places you can go for help when you need support for how you're feeling.

Talking to your doctor

A guide on talking to your doctor about how you're feeling and how your doctor can support you.

Getting ready for a doctor's appointment

A guide on what to say to book a doctor's appointment as well as  questions to ask your doctor.

Understanding diagnosis

A guide to understanding a mental health diagnosis and how it may affect you.


Our CAMHS information hub has pages on understanding CAMHS, what to expect and what happens when you leave.

Leaving CAMHS

Our CAMHS information hub has pages on leaving CAMHS, moving to adult mental health services and what to do if things go wrong.

Going into hospital for your mental health

Information and resources to support you – whether you're going into hospital as an informal patient or you're sectioned.

Treatment and support glossary

Explains words and phrases that you may hear when getting treatment and support for your mental health.

Understanding confidentiality

A guide that explains how and when information about your mental health is kept private.

Advocacy and mental health

A guide that explains advocacy and how advocates can help you to get your voice heard. Also explains self-advocacy.

Useful contacts

If you need more support, there are a number of organisations you can contact.

There is nothing wrong with admitting you need help. It is a brave and courageous thing to do – Lao, 18

For more information

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